1200! That’s how many animals live in the Salzburg Zoo. Over 140 different varieties of animals have found a new home in the zoo in Hellbrunn.

In the open-air large cat area, cheetahs wander about. Apes climb to and fro in the tropics building. And in the petting zoo, guests can even pet the animals! Gaze on large-mouthed rhinos, bears, lynx, antelope, and other animals. A particular favorite among guests are the vultures which roam about the grounds. These birds seem to like the rocky cliffs of the Hellbrunn mountain in Salzburg where the zoo is located. Visitors are also invited to watch when these vultures are fed – from a safe distance, of course.

Don’t miss feeding time for the wild cats. Watch as the Salzburg Zoo staff sends the feed along a cable car through the compound and the cheetahs hunt and capture their prey. If you’d like things a bit more tame, then check out the mountain goats and woodchucks. Signs throughout the park inform young and old alike about the many animals that live in the Salzburg Zoo – all just a few minutes away from Grödig

Zoo Salzburg

5081 Anif
Phone +43 662/ 82 01 76
Fax +43 662/ 82 01 766

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